eSuite - FAQ
Technology Q&A
How does eSuite Internet work?
eSuite Internet is delivered to your suite via our High-Speed network. Depending on the building infrastructure eSuite uses VDSL2 or DOCSIS3 Cable to deliver service to your suite. Using these technologies we are ensuring our users will always have access to the highest speed options. Unlike our competition we own the entire network including the equipment in the building and the fiber optics used to deliver the service to the building. This allows eSuite to provide our customers with speed options and price points that are otherwise not available. Any repair or service work is performed by our technicians and our 24x7x365 Network Operations Center monitors all aspects of the eSuite network ensuring that our users always have the service available.
What hardware is require?
eSuite provides a WIFI Router / Modem with all our services. Our installation technician will assist you in getting it setup during the on-site installation process. If you have your own router or wish to use a different device you may do so as well. Customer owned/provided routers should have a 100Mbps Ethernet Port as the WAN interface.
Our rates are fixed and we do not charge overage charges or bandwidth charges which translate into a "fixed" monthly cost for your internet service. If you choose our $24.95 package, your rate remains the same monthly at $24.95 + HST every month.
Payment Methods
Contact us today to learn more
Payment for your account can be made via a major credit card (VISA, Mastercard, or AMEX), or Preauthorized Debit from your bank account. All services are billed on the 2nd of the month.
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